PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | photography
Border Field State Park | US-Mexican Border | 2019
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | photography
Border Field State Park | US-Mexican Border | 2019
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | photography
Border Field State Park | US-Mexican Border | 2019
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | photography
Border Field State Park | US-Mexican Border | 2019
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N
Photography Series | Border Field State Park | US-Mexican Border 2019
Escape as an act of dignity.
Homi K. Bhabha, IWL, 2019: Going full Animal: Migration and Tribal Nationalism
The series was created in 2019 at Border Field State Park, a military base in the United States located close to the Mexican border. The title indicates the exact geographic location where the photos were taken and signals its political explosiveness. The close-ups of tracks of military vehicles suggest a visual experience akin to a testimony and create a palpable tension, while evoking an escape which remains preserved in the form of a trace. The series pays tribute to collective suffering, but it also questions the role images play in the reporting of conflicts. In this series, the visible speaks of the invisible and absence reveals presence.
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | Photographic Installation | lightboxes
ERRE | Curator Danielle Igniti | Lët'z Arles | Konschthal Esch | 2021 | © Romain Girtgen
PASSAGE // 32°32’04.7’’N 117°07’26.3’’W | Photographic Installation | lightboxes
ERRE | Curator Danielle Igniti | Chapelle de la Charité | Rencontres de la Photographie d'Arles | France | 2021
© Romain Girtgen